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Sephardic Community of Greater Boston - Parashat Vayelech and Yom Kippur 5783

09/29/2022 04:28:18 PM


Shabbat Parashat Vayelech
September 30 - October 1, 2022
6 Tishrei, 5783

Candle Lighting and Minha: 6:07 PM

Shabbat Shaharit: 8:30 AM
Latest Shema: 8:56 AM

Shabbat Minha: 5:45 PM
Followed by Seudah Shelishit

Shabbat Ends: 7:07 PM
Rabbienu Tam: 7:37 PM

Sunday October 2

Selihot is at 7:00 AM
Shaharit is at 8:00 AM

Minha is at 6:00 PM

Monday October 3

Selihot is at 6:00 AM
Shaharit is at 7:00 AM

Minha is at 6:00 PM

Tuesday October 4, Erev Yom Kippur

Selihot is at 5:00 AM
Shaharit is at 6:00 AM
Sunrise is at 6:45 AM

Minha is at 3:30 PM

Candle lighting and Evening Services are at 6:00PM
Sunset is at 6:20 PM

Wednesday, October 5, Yom Kippur

Shaharit 7:15 AM

Minha 3:30 PM
Neilah 5:30 PM
Sunset 6:19 PM

Fast Ends 7:00 PM
Rabbienu Tam 7:31 PM

Thursday, October 6

Shaharit is at 7:00 AM

Minha is at 5:55 PM

Friday, October 7

Shaharit is at 7:00 AM

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784