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Sephardic Community of Greater Boston - Tetzaveh and Purim 5783

03/02/2023 04:02:04 PM


Shabbat Parashat Tetzaveh
Shabat Zachor
March 3-4, 2023
11 Adar, 5783

Candle Lighting and Minha: 5:16 PM

Shabbat Shaharit: 8:30 AM
Latest Shema: 8:24 AM

Followed by a special Shabbat Zachor kiddush, sponsored by Mrs. Mary Naggar in memory of her niece Rina Bat Rachel Coleman.

Shabbat Minha: 5:05 PM
Followed by Seudah Shelishit

Shabbat Ends: 6:19 PM
Rabbienu Tam: 6:49 PM

Sunday March 5

Shaharit 8:00 AM

Minha 5:15 PM

Monday March 6 - Ta'anit Esther

Fast starts: 4:49 AM

Shaharit: 7:00 AM

Minha: 5:10 PM

Zecher LeMahatzit HaShekel collection after Minha

The value of Mahatzit HaShekel (9.6 grams of silver) is presently $6.47. We will have an updated value on Monday.

Arbit and Megillah reading 6:05 PM

Tuesday March 7 - Purim

Shaharit and Megillah Reading are at 7:00 AM

Minha is at  12:30 PM

Wednesday thru Friday

Shaharit is at 7:00 AM

Minha Wednesday and Thursday is at 5:15 PM

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784